For all of us who have laughed at the unavoidable commercials from "The Villages" while watching the final round of countless PGA events, now comes a story which will cause you to, uh, stand up and take notice. You know the commercials - retirees dancing, playing soccer, softball, riding polo ponies, and yes - playing golf ( Lifetime Free Golf at ALL Our Executive Courses !!!!).
Here is a bit of their marketing copy "Maybe it’s the endless opportunities to fine tune a lifelong passion, try something you’ve always wanted to try, or just pick up where you left off as a kid."
Well, maybe that's what makes it fun....or it could be this...Fun at the Villages.
Looks like that marketing copy is spot on....
I actually spent a couple of days at The Villages with an Aunt of mine who lives there. Call me crazy, (or perverted - LOL) but I thought it was kind of awesome. Admittedly I was just there for a couple of days, but you know, the golf WAS great, and the town squares were cute, and everyone seemed happy and secure.
The Disneyfication would probably get cloying after a while, but I didn't get the impression the population was overly-promiscuous or anything. And what if they were?
No, I think it's funny that this place is being characterized as a hotbed of debauchery. BTW, I'm hoping to go back for a longer stay this spring. Maybe I'll have to do some investigative reporting; debunk the "salaciousness" myth...or not. :o)
From what I've heard, The Villages is outgrowing it's services. While golf may be free on the executive courses, it's too crowded to play every day. You may get on one or two times a week. That's it. As a matter of fact, there are quite a few former Villages residents here at 'the ranch', Robson Ranch, that is.
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