Thursday, February 11, 2010

Another Lost Art...

Spelling and grammer grammar....obviously these are a lost art in America circa 2010. I know that many bloggers and socmed "experts" are of the opinion that "spelling and grammar don't matter " in the "web 2.0" world. Still, for a traditionalist like me, its a little hard to stomach. Here is the latest example - except its not from any "web 2.0 , Gen Y, beret wearing, twittercentric self-congratulating neophyte"...
Shown below is a screen grab from the venerable website...Poor Adam Scott..he's lost his skillz ...


Average Golfer said...

My least favorite is the cyber invention of the word "prolly". Takes too much time to spell probably, probably.

Unknown said...

It is indeed another lost art. I heard some golfers are wearing andrew christian underwear. Thanks for the post. I love it.stf